Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Me, According to Abby

I'm at that point where I really should be jotting down small notes and interactions with my children, but I ultimately don't and then don't remember what I'm supposed to write down.

Then I feel guilty for not remembering and thinking that I'm failing my children and this blog for not writing down the cherished memories that I will ultimately forget.

My daughter in particular offers a lot of material. She picks up on words and terms that I never thought she would (e.g. "silky", "sour"), though the best has to be when she uses phrases that I use on a regular basis.

It is at those moments when you realize just how you come off to your children.

As far as Abby is concerned, this is me:

Name: Mommy, Chrissie, Mama

She has also called me ChrissieTom. Not really sure where that one came from. Well, I mean, I know where it came from, but I don't know why she used it.

Anyway, moving on.

Interests: Drinking coffee, running, exercising, working, finishing my work, text messaging

It is in this category that you, as a parent, recognize what is important to you.

  • Abby was playing in a car and declared she "had to go to work". She had to rush because she was running late. She still stopped for coffee.
  • Sometimes I ask Abby to do something and she tells me she "just has to finish some work" and that she'll "be done in two seconds."
  • Abby enjoys putting the heart rate monitor band around her waist and then telling me she's going to exercise.
  • Abby does a mean downward dog.
  • If I'm pushing her and Jack in the double stroller and I'm walking, she will ask, "Mommy, why are you not running?" Other times she will just yell, "Mommy, run! Run faster!"
  • I get ready to walk out the door for work and Abby tells me not to "forget my phones" (yes, plural).
  • My phone went off the other day in the other room and Abby brought it to me.

Habits: Tardiness, forgetfulness

  • Through tears because she doesn't want me to leave, Abby will say, "Mom--sniff--sniff--my ... don't ... forget ... your purse and your phones."
  • She has told me not to forget my keys.
  • I have then had to ask her if she'd seen my keys.
  • She tells me not to forget my sunglasses.
  • I have then had to frantically search for said sunglasses. Then I declare I'm late.

Traits: Loving, encouraging, demanding, others that I don't need to get into

  • Abby quickly learned to say, "GET DOWN!" to the cats when they are on the table. Best part is, they listen to her.
  • The other day I handed Abby something and she exclaimed in an exaggerated tone, "Oh, Mommy, that was so nice of you!"
  • I put a puzzle piece in the proper place and she said, "Great job, Mommy!"
I have to say that seeing myself through my child's eyes has to be one of the best parts of being a parent ... though I know the not-so-flattering traits and habits will continue to surface.


  1. i love this post. I have started write down "carter-isms and Kenna-isms" they say the craziest things and I think "where did they learn that" most of the time it's from me :/ or Disney Jr

  2. This is hysterical! Way to go, Abby :)

  3. Marissa, the idea of two having different sets of sayings is intriguing.

  4. Kait, as a P90Xer, you will appreciate that she loves doing the "towel run" from plyo, though she will use just about anything. She then runs like a crazy person around it. The 30 seconds ends ... but she only wants to continue her towel run.

  5. One of my favorite memories of your cousin Tim was from when he was about Abby's age. He had a toy telephone (the kind with a cord!) and he was seated on the floor in front of my dad. He picked up the receiver and said, "Hi, Grandpa, it's Timothy!" Thinking to be helpful Dad said, "Well, hello Timothy." It was then that Tim turned to Dad with a severe expression, put his hand over the mouthpiece and said in a stern voice, "Don't talk to me when I'm on the phone!"

    Aunt Peg quietly got up and left the room.

    1. Ha! Abby has done that before. Honestly hilarious.
